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How Nature Reveals Your BioSpiritual Name

I'm not going to show you a list of exciting names or a method to obtain your spiritual name like you would achieve a goal or prize. I want to show you how nature organically reveals your "true spiritual name" as it did for me. It is an organic form of self-realization rooted in experience rather than a faith-based idea.

What are the Origins of Spiritual Names?

In many cultures, it is common for people to have a spiritual name. They are given the title by a swami, priest, dharma teacher, or native elder. It is believed that this name has mystical powers and can protect a person from evil spirits. It is also thought to be a way to connect with the spirit world.

Spiritual elders bestow these names when they see the essence and calling of the seeker's soul. Other times, people will choose their spiritual names based on things that are important to them. For example, someone might choose a name representing their connection to nature or their Native American heritage. No matter who gives someone their spiritual name, its meaning is always very personal and specific to the individual.

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From a religious perspective, Christians receive saints' names, and Jews may be given Hebrew names. Muslims are named after prophets or companions, Hindus receive deities' names and Native Americans' medicine names. These ceremonies may happen on different levels of initiation, such as becoming a nun or monk for Orthodox Christians. For Buddhists, this usually happens before entering the sangha (community).

Receiving my Seed-Name — Zzenn.

Early in my spiritual quest, I decided not to give myself a spiritual or soul name unless it was born out of an authentic shamanic experience, an initiation that permanently changed me. Only then would I know I had found my true name.


My name became Zzenn spontaneously after many decades of carrying the word Zen in my mind. I thought it would be for a son if I ever had one, but to my surprise, in May of 2014, my seed-self gave me " Zzenn " (more on that later). I was told that the "son" to be born was myself, and I had just been reborn.

Spiritual Names Reveal themselves through Transformation, Initiation, and Rites of Passage.

I did not choose this name as you would pick from a list of attractive names. It came as I hoped it would, through a 5-week kundalini experience. I knew this was right because I had physically, and psycho-emotionally, transformed. My core self was born, and it had a name.


An entire life led up to that moment. It didn't happen overnight, nor was I trying to get a spiritual name. It barely crossed my mind; I was too busy healing and awakening for the sole purpose of truth realization.


There's much to be gleaned from the decades that led up to that moment. To learn more, check out my biography, unSpiritual: A Spiritual Journey. You can also listen to the audio version on YouTube HERE.

Your Seed-Self has a Name.

I believe we all have a seed-self that contains our spiritual name. It exists within our inner child. To access it, one must create a relationship with their inner child. As you nurture your younger self, the Seed-Self grows organically, like a flower. Eventually, the bud builds pressure, and the pedals open, revealing your soul name. Be grateful there was a lot of growth behind that blooming because it will be worth the wait.


Consider yourself pregnant with a spiritual name. You may have it living with you in one form or another. It could be part of a name, an animal, or a symbol. It could be a feeling somewhere in your body that has no words or images. Eventually, if you give it the time to ripen, it will reveal itself at the right time and place.

Your Seed-Self Holds the Key to Your True Name.

Nothing on the spiritual path happens instantly without an organic process behind it. Spontaneous Kundalini releases come from psycho-emotional experiences rooted in your childhood. They are hard-wired into your nervous system throughout your lifetime and hold potent memory pockets of energy.

I'm not talking about some New Age "wispy energy" but the psycho-emotional energy of the body. If you can feel it, then you are experiencing this energy. Emotion is energy, and when it is locked away in trauma, it builds pressure. The unconscious pushes trauma into consciousness — tension release, tension release. This process is where you get the releases I am referring to on the BioSpiritual path.

Create a Potent Relationship with Yourself.

I would like you to think of a relationship with yourself through the following example and deeply meditate on the idea.

A talisman will carry its meaning and emotional impact for a lifetime if properly crafted. The more time, focus, and emotion you put into a ritual or ceremony, the deeper the experience and the more memorable the act. Think of relationships. The more you experience another person, the deeper and more meaningful the relationship gets. This process requires listening, showing up, and spending time together — you should expect nothing less from yourself. No relationship is more sacred than the one you form with yourself.

In Closing, My Recommendations.

You are the painting, the song, the flower — a livingness — an evolving masterpiece. Everything about you, your bark, branches, and leaves, create the essence of who you are. Your quirks make you just as special and unique as your talents — celebrate these and allow your True Seed Name to blossom in its own time.

— Zzenn