
Your support helps me with the creation and distribution of my work. Thank You.

I searched for a lifetime to find my "lost chord." There was a tune I had to find that reflected my thumbprint as a musical artist. I spent most of my time in silence, avoiding the business of mainstream music. When I did listen to music, I was attracted to Folk, Blues, Native American, Celtic, Middle Eastern, and dark, meditative sounds. 

The songs on this page are published for the general public. Other songs were created specifically for the Mysterium (a work in progress) produced during my Kundalini experience. These songs carry the energy of the Kundalini and are purposed for ceremonial and meditative use. You can listen to a sample at the bottom of the page, "Song Potions."

My main musical influences are Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin and the music that influenced his work, such as blues, folk, Celtic and Indian. There is darkness and light in these songs, representing the energies of the psychological shadow and illumination. 

Caught by the current of Led Zeppelin's music at 12, I was drawn to the song 'Stairway to Heaven.' There was something about the Druidic influences behind their music that felt familiar. I didn't know at that young age what the occult influences around the band were about; I just felt I was answering a call. The muse was leading me on a spiritual journey through sound and wonder.

Goosebumps turned into gushing waves of energy as I followed the synchronicity. I was led through the maze of religion and spirituality while healing my childhood and having mystical experiences. The journey culminated in May of 2014 with a rare transformation that gave birth to my "lost chord" ZzennSong and my message.

I firmly believe that true creators derive their artistic satisfaction from their deepest essence, and when they discover it, fame and financial gain pale compared to the profound contentment they experience. When they establish a connection with their audience, they share the enchanting gift they encounter in their solitary moments – a gift that is inherent to them. I've personally discovered this, and my gratitude knows no bounds.

A Taste of ZzennSong

The Beauty Inside

Native Call


Oh My Child

The Seeker

Ode to the Witch

The Dragon Song

ZzennSong Potions

These are samples of the actual recordings made in real-time during the Kundalini metamorphosis.