This is the first article I wrote when I launched unSpirituality in 2012.

In my spiritual days, I spent around 20 years frequenting the site. In the beginning, Val was producing volumes the size of phone books packed full of hard-to-find secret info on the planetary game.

An Impressive amount of data and is interesting, to say the least. In 1988 the first volume, The Matrix, was released and subtitled "Understanding Aspects of Covert Interaction with Alien Culture, Technology, and Planetary Power Structures." Packed full of confidential and top-secret documents that would make the curious drool.

Val mentions that the X-Files and the Matrix movie with Keanu Reeves were spawned from this series. The information in these volumes was extreme, to say the least. They were the first injection of the UFO disinformation campaign into society on this level. The information would send shivers down your spine. From underground bases where aliens fed off human blood to advanced technical data on an electrometric grid that mind controls the public.

Matrix 2 was released in 1991, delving deeper into the alien phenomenon with a focus on abductions. If you do a little research, you will see that it was around this time that the abduction experience was taking root in American culture and would grow into a familiar phrase that would spawn myriad expressions in the entertainment industry.

The release of Matrix 3 in 1992 brought the alien card down into the deepest recesses of our psyche with two phone book-sized volumes packed with many documents. In this volume, Val focused on the role of the Government in a secret cover-up with an off-planet race to manipulate humans on a biological, electromagnetic, chemical, and psycho-social level, the likes of which no one has ever read on the planet.

One thing is for sure, the amount of information in these volumes was so vast that overwhelm was certain for the researcher no matter how it was sliced. Much of the information was anecdotal and almost impossible to prove; one must take the data at its read. However, in all fairness, several things could be proven, like Area 51, which became a cultural icon. Regarding abductions, it was clearly an early morning subjective experience with zero evidence for actual alien tinkering. For a perspective on the subject, read Carl Sagan's book "The Demon-Haunted World."

In my view, it would be absurd to consider the universe is not teaming with life outside our home planet. Whether there are actually alien beings flying craft in our skies or abducting humans has yet to be discovered. But by no means does the possibility of life on other planets or alien genetic tinkering fly contrary to evolutionary principles. The ticket to a reasonable measurement of reality is in the evidence and being careful not to jump to conclusions.

A perfect example would be to conclude that just because crop circles appear instantly in a YouTube video where balls of light are shown flying over a field manifesting a crop circle. This does not mean aliens are manufacturing geometric symbols. That is not proof. It does mean that there is evidence of technology unknown to the masses. It very well could be experiments from advanced technology by humans hitherto unknown by the average person. Remember that we have a Mars rover, holographic technology, and Geo-engineering.

In Matrix 4, The Equivideum (do not ask me what that means), Val regurgitated Drunvalo Melchizedek's Flower of Life Material which didn't go over well with its originators. You can research this, but suffice to say you can no longer get Matrix 4. Here, Val introduced a paradigm that leaped off mainstream science into spiritual realms and ascended masters. I would like to believe that Val was grounded in some form of critical thinking, but due to the cover of this volume, I have my doubts.

On the cover of M4, the artist represented an alien and a human communicating via an inter-dimensional geometric field. After 4 volumes of purported facts and assumed secret government documents, one was left with a bottomless pit of questions. There is an interview with Val Valerian where you can hear how the Flower of Life material influenced his thinking. In fact, I will present it here so you can hear for yourself. If you are familiar with this material, you will hear the rote-like repeating of the material out of Val's mouth.

Val Valerian - 4th Dimensional Shift

Enter the Matrix 5 volumes . . .yikes!!! I was following Val through what started as a database of secret info for the researcher, and I graciously overlooked the Matrix 4 blip. However, M5 revealed what was going on behind the scenes. I will not make any assumptions here, but as an observer of the work over the years, I have witnessed a decline in critical thinking and a departure from rational reality.

In these volumes, Val presents a mysterious "Author" who rants for three volumes about his observations of our society laced with cult-like spiritual "takeaway" jargon. The premise behind this baloney is that the Author claims to have traveled out of his body up into realms (based grossly on Robert Monroe's research) and shares never before published knowledge about our culture and the realms beyond. To say that Val and the Author are pointing to M5 as the new bible of the 21st century would be an understatement.

UPDATE: After publishing this article in 2012, I was contacted by the artist of the Matrix books covers and he told that my article hit the nail on the head. He also gave me the identity of "The Author" which I lost during an edit and republishing of this article. Upon memory, I believe its Astrologer Michael Erlewine but this hasn't been confirmed independently.

I contacted the Monroe Institute, and they told me they did not endorse the views in Matrix 5. One representative expressed that the material was appalling, to say the least, and did not represent their views.

When cornered, the "Author" likes to answer questions by telling the inquirer to contact his or her higher self for the answer. Of course, this was on the assumption that the content only needed to be confirmed on a higher level. Sometimes questioners were scolded for their stupid inquiry. I have interacted via email with Val on several occasions, and I can tell you from firsthand experience that asking the wrong question will get you an elitist slap. In other words, the system is set up to be fail-safe from critical inquiry.

All of this culminates into the invisible, which is the premise of this philosophy. When it comes to the invisible, you can have any story you want. The interesting thing to watch is how defensive people get when you inquire into their subjective experiences. I like to say that identification with the subjective conceptual self is the cause of the problem. Being human is self-evident; being other than human requires evidence, and the storytellers get a little ruffled when it is challenged. Understandably the identification with their subjective environment is being challenged, thus threatening the influence on their believing audience.

So here we are just weeks before December 21, 2012, and the clock on Val's site ticks away. It is stated on the website that this date marks the end of the world. Below are a few excerpts from his website -

"The indications are that we will be out of here (ascension for spiritual beings) between now and the beginning of 2013".

"On December 21, 2012, there will be a 'convergence of all timeliness’ with 2 events possible":

"Where we are now: End of civilization due to Graduation of Planetary Spirit Individual, also ending Life on Earth and Individuals move into new Experiences. We know what is happening and why, and we know we move on from here, many of us are leaving the galaxy game board forever. We are all immortal and this is just an experimental game board. It is that simple."

As you can see, there is a clear indication that Val was neck deep in the predictable word salad of Woo. It's ironic that he says, "all lies exposed," and I wrote this article in 2012 exposing his lies. Now, I’m going to make a prediction based purely on real-world observation with my physical senses . . . ready? Here we go:

December 21, 2012 will come and go with hysterical mania like what one would imagine if Christ came floating out of the sky on a white horse. Upon existential disappointment, the new age preachers will spin the story over the years to fit their narrative. You will not see one teacher come forward and say, “sorry folks, I got it wrong,” instead, you will witness a doubling down on the wishful thinking. The date will be pushed up with a word salad of excuses and some will even say that it DID happen and that they are in the fifth dimension.

— Dated 2012-12-01

This is confirmation bias, subjective validation, and pure, unfiltered delusion. In closing, I’ll leave you with a quote from Val Valerian's psyop:

"as seen from a Very Advanced, Accurate Perspective and Understanding of the Ongoing Dynamic"

The irony of ironies . . . advanced? Just a cover-up for utter nonsense. Literally the opposite of advanced and no more real than Mother Goose. Now, let us not throw the baby out with the bath water; disinformation psyops always mix truth with fiction. The volumes before Matrix 5 were filled with information that later was found to be true. Examples of this would be the global elite, mind control devices, the coming technocracy, weather weapons, and much more. But M5 was a pure metaphysical delusion. Val’s books led his audience to a permanent dissociation from reality. He leaped from data-driven books to the ridiculous musings of a nut case whose intuitive “downloads” were gospel.

— Zzenn