"If a sentence has the word "quantum" in it, and if it is coming out of a non-physicist's mouth, you can almost be certain that there's a huge quantum of BS being dumped on your head."

— Physicist Devashish Singh

"If you remove the soul and afterlife, the whole New Age house of cards comes crashing down. Science has done just that the soul is the felt-sense of the body, and the afterlife, the eternal dream of the child."

— Zzenn

New Age spirituality has a bad habit of distorting science by presenting hypothetical subjects to their audience as empirical facts. Although motive isn't easy to detect in every case, I think it's safe to assume that misrepresenting scientific hypotheses, theories, and facts to a non-thinking, feeling-based audience is manipulative at best.

Additionally, scientific terms were never meant for a secular audience because they have no understanding of the science. If it takes decades of education and research to understand Quantum Physics and String theory, then how can a layperson even get close to understanding these ideas when the scientists themselves are still speculating on these models and admit that anyone who says they know the ultimate truth on these subjects clearly doesn't know. This is why charlatan's who info-bomb their audiences create a false impression that they know what they are talking about. It's called "smoke and mirrors."

Along with misrepresenting science and pretending to be authorities on everything from history to politics to theoretical physics, their primary mode of operation is dot-connecting. They sprinkle science into their stories of aliens, channeling, disembodied entities, ascensions, and conspiracies and make connections where none exist. They use confirmation bias, subjective validation, patternicity, and suggestion to fool their audience into a belief system of metaphysical fantasy.

To make matters worse (or more hilarious), New Age teachers boast about mainstream science needing to "catch up" to their pseudoscience. And yet, as is always the case in dualism, it's the other way around. You can observe this dance of ignorance and arrogance in David Icke's 10-hour seminars.

Let's look at the scientific models that New Age presented as facts to their gullible audiences and clarify where they sit on the reality meter. But first, let's look at some definitions.

Theory: a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.

Hypothesis: a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.

The New Age/spiritual narrative, just like the religious meme, has, as the foundation of its teachings, a chronic vilification of critical thinking. Intuition is the key to understanding reality, whether or not the hard facts of the natural world contradict their certainties.

Conveniently, their teachings claim that the physical universe is nothing more than an illusion, and the invisible subjective world is reality. They replace natural evolution with spiritual evolution and actual history with an alternate history based on metaphysical fantasy. To make matters worse, they demonize science WHILE cherry picking science to fit their agenda. They distort scientific research and promote both outdated hypotheses and pseudoscience.

The Holographic Universe

When the gravitational wave detector GEO 600 found that, on incredibly small scales, there was "blurriness" in the data it gathered, some in the physics community theorized that all our scientific data were merely pixels being projected onto the universe, whose source was really a 2-dimensional reality. This holographic theory of the universe now seems false, having been contradicted by data recently found by the European Space Agency's Integral gamma-ray observatory. Again, down to an incredibly small scale (10^-48 meter) the observatory found there was no "blurriness" in the data. [1]

Some teachers, who peddle New Age teachings, intentionally know very well the nature of the human animal. They info-bomb their gullible audience, knowing full well that 99.9% will never take the time to research their claims because "thinking" is not encouraged. Intuition is the primary determinant of reality which feeds the spiritual ego.

People like to feel special. They love the idea that they possess abilities beyond the average person. And when a spiritual teacher pets their spiritual ego with the idea that they are more advanced with their intuition than the thinking mind, the gullible relaxes into a deep sleep.

"So never let it be said that an Adstro-scientist has never considered the electric universe model with an open mind. The Electric Universe model is wrong. Provably, clearly, and ridiculously wrong".

"Testing the Electric Universe" by Brian Koberlein

Thinking is hard work, just ask any scientist, and yet, the irony of it all is the very science that New Ager's distort was developed by hundreds, if not thousands of thinking individuals, who balanced their intuitions with their education and intellectual prowess.

So the question begs, why is this practice prevalent in the New Age community? The answer is ignorance, lack of education, and in the case of the rare teachers with actual degrees, the believing brain. Intelligent people can believe ridiculous things. Just watch Christian apologists debate creationism.

You will find, with a wee bit of research, that some of the most famous teachers who peddle pseudoscience have dropped out of school and made it a practice to posture themselves as a rogue authority on scientific research. This always, and I mean always, comes wrapped in a conspiracy theory so the audience will view them as saints who challenge the evil cabal that controls all the fields of science and education in an effort to deceive the public and withhold technologies that could free mankind.

Let's take David Icke, for example. He is responsible for feeding a global audience jaw-dropping pseudoscience such as Masaru Emoto's rice experiments, where he claims that labeling jars of rice with positive words will cause them not to grow fungus and labeling the jars with negative words will cause them to rot with fungus. He claims that Quantum Physics proves that reality is an illusion, a matrix created by reptilian aliens to control mankind. And, as mentioned above, he claims that mainstream science is just catching up to his pseudoscientific knowledge. In other words, an entire global industry of hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of scientists is wrong, and David, who has little to no education, is right about, well, EVERYTHING. David believes himself to be a modern-day messiah and even claimed he was the son of God on a television show, along with a delusional statement that Saddam Hussain was dead when he wasn't. This is the guy who leads the New Age pack in mutilating science.

David Icke claims Saddam Hussein died 1991 and that he's Jesus

Not only does he info-bomb his audience in ten-hour seminars, but he copies and pastes information in his earlier books into his new releases, which get bigger and bigger with each publication. One of his recent books is 913 pages; no, I'm not kidding. This "appeal to quantity" is another cunning tactic of these bamboozlers.

For a start, how is the existence of the other universes to be tested? Invoking an infinity of unseen universes to explain the unusual features of the one we see is just as ad hoc as invoking an unseen Creator. The multiverse theory may be dressed up in scientific language, but it essentially requires the same leap of faith.

— Paul Davies

David deceives his audience by distorting the 'Observer Effect' of Quantum Mechanics, suggesting that it proves we create our reality by looking at it, or as he puts it, we decode reality through our brain. In other words, everything is a soup of waveforms until we look at it and it solidifies.

"The moon is still there when you're not looking at it."

— Michael Shermer

The problem with this infantile idea is that he is taking the experiment completely out of context. The observer effect is related to the activity of photons on a quantum level. Try to apply this logic to the macro level of Newtonian physics, that being the human brain, eyeballs, and the physical world, and it falls apart. It never had anything to do with the macro level. In fact, it falls apart if you try to apply it to human brains and sight. Additionally,  no one "looks" at photons and makes them change from waves to particles. These conclusions are generated from mathematical equations.

He buys into the idea of "The Field" from a book entitled The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe by Lynne McTaggart. This idea is a repackaged form of the human aura born out of early 20th-century metaphysical assumptions. The fact of the matter is our body produces black body radiation, which can be picked up by electronic devices and cameras. It has nothing to do with spiritual beings inhabiting human bodies emanating their powerful energy. And I can tell you from first-hand experience that kundalini energy, a body-based psycho-physical energy locked in the spine, can create a potent emotional field that other people can feel. But this has nothing to do with discarnate entities creating their reality through their "field" through the human container.

But here's the clincher, Icke admits that he had no interest in school and dropped out early on. He states that he was 'different' from other children (which might explain his obsession with Neo in the Matrix movie) and found sports to be the only thing worth doing in school. In his book, Human Race get off your Knees, David reveals that his father was a domineering and controlling military man and his mother was a passive woman doing everything she could to take care of the family. His father was a product of the great depression and lived with great regret due to failing to achieve his dream as a doctor. Having been raised poor, David developed a paranoia about the evils of the education system, which fueled growing conspiracies about the world.

As I've said in my work, the root cause of humanity's suffering comes from childhood trauma. It is there that our beliefs about life are born, and they stick like glue to our perceptions of the world. Our believing brain, the one religion and spirituality rely on, affects our lives deeper than dualistic beliefs about the afterlife, God, and spiritual fantasy. In fact, it is these rooted beliefs that give birth to religious faith as an escape. It doesn't take a leap in consciousness to see that David Icke was a product of his childhood and has been reacting to the real evil authority in his lifeâ his father.

Next, let's take a look at a debate between Deepak Chopra and Sam Harris, and Michael Shermer on Quantum Physics after a quote from Astronomer Philip Plait:

Deepak Chopra once again fails to grasp the reality around him. When asked why scientists argue so strongly against him, he says its because he's "gone out on a limb, whereas other people have played it safe." It's not that he's gone out on a limb but that when he talks about science he gets it utterly wrong.

Deepak Chopra Spiritualist Defeated By Sam Harris

You will find the same lack of education and most likely (due to unpublished admissions) that bamboozlers such as David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Drunvalo Melchizedek, and countless teachers and channelers suffer from childhood trauma, the effects of which are diminished by dissociating from the natural world. This is WHY they double down on crazy ideas that immunize them from public scrutiny from their dumbed-down followers.

Check out another jaw-dropping example of this bamboozle by David Wilcock and Corey Goode.

Corey Goode & David Wilcock Jan 19, 2018 Disclosure

New age teachers, or should I say "charlatans," literally present themselves as authorities on scientific subjects who, laughably, claim they know more than actual scientists in the field. And if you ask for proof of a degree in their expertise, for example, "Quantum Mechanics," you're sure to be met with a lecture on how the education system is corrupt and degrees are useless. I have personally met two self-proclaimed Quantum Physicists that said those very words to my face. They got their knowledge from reading books and pride themselves in not being accountable to peer review and scientific protocol, which, ironically, is set in place to protect the public from people like them.

The key to an authentic presentation of ideas is a healthy level of intellectual integrity and a brutally honest evaluation of blind paranoia and self-deception. It is clear to me through my 30-year journey in the metaphysical community that there are teachers with good intentions that are used by savvy marketing experts for profit. There are also plenty of spiritual teachers/gurus who know that the spiritual field is a profitable racket and use love and light to line their pockets.

It is clear to me that, due to generational child abuse, we have an epidemic of adult children. New Age charlatans, consciously or unconsciously, would be out of business if it weren't for this fact. Using cherry-picked science while vilifying science to support metaphysical ideas by uneducated, self-taught teachers, and worse, people channeling aliens who all got their ideas from religious and theosophical sources, is the worst of pretense, hypocrisy, and iron at least in THIS universe imaginable.

The elephant in the room is literally bursting through the windows, and New Age teachers are squashed somewhere between the blubber and the wall . . . that's why they're blind.

— Zzenn