“But the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.”

— Carl Sagan

I think the best way to introduce David Icke is to share, in his own words, his admission of being the Messiah:

VIDEO - David claims to be The Second Coming of Christ

David Icke is the world’s most popular conspiracy theorist and dumbfounding peddler of pseudo-science. He is the MASTER of Dissociation (dissociating one's mind from one's body). He showcases a spectacular cosmic circus to massive audiences worldwide. David is quite industrious in his efforts to convince the world that all educational institutions, not some — ALL scientists, all governments, and pretty much all people on planet earth are deluded.

David Icke has no degrees in any of the subjects he claims to be an authority on. In fact, David Icke just may be the global poster child for what not to do if you drop out of school. Sure, he says he follows threads of information and connects the dots, but his "one-man show" compared to academic specialists such as Quantum Physicists, Neuroscientists, Evolutionary Biologists, Astrophysicists, medical professionals, and Psychologists, is outright juvenile. I can only guess at the degree of self-delusion one has to achieve to muster up enough arrogance to stand on stage in front of thousands and claim the entire planet is a big conspiracy and that he has the truth on — literally EVERYTHING.

Based on reading about his life, I believe he is the product of deep rejection in his childhood, and that he developed a strong irrational bias against education as a result. In other words, it was not that teacher or that situation, but all teachers and all situations became a big conspiracy. It was not my parents and my childhood, but everyone in power that became the problem. That belief had to be rooted in some form of paranoia that worked its way into black or white thinking. I believe he was affected in a very negative way by an authority figure or figures that developed a psychosis to become THE AUTHORITY — thus, you have the Messiah Complex to make up for his — Inferiority Complex.

I find it telling how he talks as an authority on all subjects regarding human beings and history. To remedy this contradiction, he publicly celebrates his lack of education by demeaning the very institutions, scientists he cherry-picks information from. Below are several quotes from David on this topic:

"I dreamed my way through school, never took a major exam and left to be a professional soccer player at the age of 15"

"I had no interest in school, it bored me rigid, and I only went because I had to and it allowed me to play for the soccer team. I rarely did more than average or less in exams, not least because I couldn't care what grades I achieved. I really didn't give a damn about algebra or binary systems or any of the other stuff they were telling me to absorb or believe"

"I wasn't academically successful at school and I didn't concentrate very well. School for me was something to get through. The only nice thing about it was playing for the football team"

David sums up his position with the world as a victim of authority. He celebrates being mocked and called a fool and uses it as a banner of courage. He sees himself as a hero alongside those geniuses throughout history who have battled the hordes of evil. This is proof of his god-ordained mission as the savior of humankind. Most people just go to therapy for this type of complex. Most people realize over a period of time that their inferiority complex has turned into a grandiose self complex that is destroying their lives. But David, rather than LISTENING to the voice of criticism, doubles down on his delusion. He interprets all persecution as an attack on his grandiose self-image and misses the point.

VIDEO - David Icke claims to be The Son of God

In the video below, David talks about 'feeling' is more important than 'thinking' and how society programs us into a false self-image — oh the irony. It's not that there isn't some truth to this, but keep in mind that truth is always mixed with fiction with these guys — that's why it works. This is how I believe he felt growing up, his feelings were dismissed and he was shamed for thinking — he didn't feel "normal" like all the other kids. So he grew up demonizing thinking and celebrating feelings to recover what he was robbed of. Unfortunately, he projected this complex onto the world.

But not all human beings feel the same way. Many are raised with parents that encourage their self-realization. There are plenty of people who discover their real-self, through therapy, extreme sports or life-altering events without the need for the virtual universe, or reptilians ruling the world, or that everything is infinite love. They found love simply in themselves. No need for the grandiose story. The difference with David is that he is projecting his perception, as an adult child, onto his audience and making the obvious sound like a unique revelation.

Naturally, children grow up and 'learn to think'. They realize that their invisible friends are imaginary and that they cannot stay home and play with their toys forever — they must grow up and go to work. When they have a baby, they put away childish things and become parents. But when a child has been robbed of their childhood by wounded parents who abuse them, the child becomes a frozen adolescent. At whatever age the trauma took place, a segment of themselves remains in that memory. The body grows but the child remains trapped in time. This is David Icke. Something hit him so deep that he turned it into a career in spite of the voices along the way calling him out. His creativity for self-healing became his Achilles' heel.

David has attempted to solve all, not some, of the world’s problems from child sex trafficking to shapeshifting reptilian world leaders. And as usual, spiritual teachers who make unbelievable claims use a mix of fact and fiction to convince their audience. Pseudoscience misrepresented science, and theories presented as facts, weave a web of delusion. It is this reality distortion that is dangerous to unstable individuals and vulnerable seekers who are looking for the answers to life's big questions.

He uses a form of hypnosis to communicate his ideas through a cloak of certainty rather than the humble position of a genuine scientist. People assume the position when he states such things as “you chose to come to earth” or “reality is an illusion” or "reptilian aliens rule the world." This kind of talk is extremely deceptive and dangerous. But if you think you are the messiah, then you feel entitled to emanate such arrogance AND profit from it.

Is David a Disinformation Agent?

One has to ask why David Wilcock, Corey Goode, and David Icke can blow the lid on the most dangerous cover-ups in history but no one gets murdered, no family members get kidnapped, cars are not blown up and no one is tortured or held for ransom. When you considered the Russian mafia, Mexican cartels, deep state operatives who are involved with pedophilia, organized crime, espionage, war, and drug running, does it not seem a little ironic that these guys run around the world cashing in on book sales, seminar tickets and online membership portals peddling stories of blue birdy aliens, the moon being a hallow satellite, the planet Saturn an alien death star, reality a false matrix, and world leaders shapeshifting reptiles?

I believe they can peddle this information without repercussions for three reasons. 1) they are being used to prepare the public for a staged alien invasion. 2) to cover up manmade advanced technology. 3) to spread disinformation to control the narrative. Some I believe are CIA agents such as David Wilcock and Corey Goode, whose friends and acquaintances have told me so, although I can't verify this. Others, such as David Icke, are unknowingly being used. Who benefits? The Transnational Elite aka, Globalists. I believe the big coverup is the Globalist’s agenda for a staged alien invasion. If you doubt this possibility, I will give you three reasons why I believe this to be the case.

1. Check out the UFO footage released by the Pentagon with craft breaking the laws of physics. The Pentagon called it "a national security threat" which is exactly along the lines of an alien agenda.

VIDEO - Pentagon UFO footage

2. William Cooper was leading the field in exposing alien abduction, UFOs, cattle mutilations, and government coverups in the 1990s. In one of his late interviews, he stated that it was all a scam and that he was used by the government for their alien agenda. Click the link below:

VIDEO - Bill Cooper’s Lost Interview

3. If you follow MUFON and the National UFO Reporting Center, you will find daily reports from all around the world of UFOs with video and photographic evidence.

4. Then you have Bohemian Grove where world leaders gather in front of a 30-foot Owl in a human effigy sacrificial ritual. Not only has the ritual been documented on video, but photographs of world leaders in attendance. Apparently, they gather to make policy decisions on ruling the world.

When you take off the spirit goggles and look at this from a sober footing, it begins to make perfect sense. The New Age story is all the same. People sell the dream to promote a narrative to make a profit using lies, debunked information, and pseudoscience to manipulate their audience toward an alien invasion, ascension, and Armageddon. This is just repackaged Orthodox Religion for today’s dreamers.

The Reptilians

Let me make this clear . . . David Icke has NEVER seen a human shapeshift into a reptilian. Everything he says on this subject is pure conjecture. Not only has David never seen a world leader shapeshift, he uses anecdotal evidence from Arizona Wilder and a Zulu Shaman to tell a story about these reptoid characters that is factually wrong.

Partially ripping off Zecharia Sitchin (which you will see is his practice), he claims the 4th-dimensional Reptoids are the Anunnaki and that they have interbred with humans throughout history. The problem with this is the Annunaki are a fantasy. Zecharia Sitchin, who made the Annunaki popular, was not a Sumerian scholar, he was an economist and a Mason.

Sitchin was exposed by Mike Heiser, a scholar of biblical and ancient Near Eastern languages, cultures, and religions, for translating the Sumerian texts wrong. The texts never translated to Annunaki being aliens or giants, they meant nothing more than a bloodline of Kings. The entire New Age story about these giants was built on a mistranslation, and David is famous for connecting dots where there are no connections. Unfortunately, he presents theories, anecdotal evidence, and pseudoscience as facts.

The real facts are that we come from a planet of reptiles we call dinosaurs, and thus, our history is full of reptilian symbolism. Shapeshifting does exist, but it's not physical, it's internal. I believe the closest anyone can come to a form of human shapeshifting is through the kundalini energy of the far east. I know because it happened to me. As weird as this may sound, I have a perfectly rational explanation for why this happens and it is due to evolution and humans being part reptilian. It's actually a natural process.

But let me clarify that I do not know whether or not humans can physically shapeshift until I see it with my own eyes. Humans are not caterpillars, and I think the evidence-based on evolution would concur with my experience regarding subjective shapeshifting. We all shapeshift within. When a person has been traumatized as a child, their inner growth becomes frozen in those memories, and their subjective shape becomes an inner child. As they grow they become an adult child. This is their inner shape. On the more extreme side, occult systems practice vampiric and lycanthropic (wolf) subjective metamorphosis. Dabbling in this sort of thing is sure to get you a ticket into an insane asylum. Stories of shapeshifting from fairies to giants are common in the legends and folklore of world history.

I want to establish several red flags about David Icke to establish a framework.

Red Flag 1 - He presents theories as facts by connecting them together to form conclusions. In his 10-hour seminars, he throws all kinds of theories into a big pile of confirmation bias.

Red Flag 2 - He produces large "phone book-sized" books in which he redundantly repeats much of the same information. It is as if he started with a small file, produced a book, and then added to the file and produced another book and repeated that until he reached 900 pages. This is what is called “info-bombing,” it is a manipulative tactic used to get audiences to buy into his “Messianic” authority trip without taking the time to do the exhaustive research.

Red Flag 3 - David’s work was not original. Much, if not all, of his information, can be found written by other conspiracy researchers before he came on the scene. One researcher who is considered the granddaddy of conspiracy theories, Jordan Maxwell, told me on a 2-hour phone conversation in 2001 that he taught David everything he knew and that David took off with the information and never credited him for the knowledge. In other words, the dude with the Messiah complex felt entitled to rip people off for fame.

Here’s a quote from his website Jordan Maxwell Research.

Hi, this is Jordan Maxwell. Just a note to say that as many of you know I've been victimized over the past 26 years by ruthless, conniving opportunists who only wanted to make money off of me. Therefore, I've decided to share my life's work with only those who care about my work and want to hear me. That's why I've created the Jordan Maxwell Research Society in which I will share all of my work privately with those who wish to join.

If you take a look at David's first three books, It Doesn't Have to be Like This, Heal the World and Truth Vibrations, published in the early '90s, and then read The Robots Rebellion published a few years later (January 1996), you'll notice a huge jump in information and book size.

Red Flag 4 - He went from Alice Bailey’s new-age spirituality to secret government programs, UFOs, social engineering, the dark brotherhood, and the evil banking system. As he published more books, revelations of bloodline elites, reptilian shape-shifting humans, and the so-called "Matrix" appeared which was coined by Val Valerian's books below. In fact, the movie "The Matrix" was inspired by these volumes (which, as you will see, David took literally). Let us take a look at the list of sources that were well ahead of David before he took credit for the information. The Matrix volumes may also be where he got the idea of making huge 900-page books as each volume was the size of a phone book.

The William Cooper Files

Behold a Pale Horse – by William Cooper

Leading Edge International Research Group by Val Valerian

The Matrix: Understanding Aspects of Covert Interaction with Alien Culture, Technology and Planetary Power Structures by Valdamar Valerian Copyright 1988

Matrix II: The Abduction and Manipulation of Humans Using Advanced Technology

Matrix III - Volume One: The Psycho-Social, Chemical, Biological and Electromagnetic Manipulation of Human Consciousness by Valdamar Valerian First Edition Printing May 1992

Matrix III - Volume Two: The Psycho-Social, Chemical, Biological and Electromagnetic Manipulation of Human Consciousness Valdamar Valerian First Edition Printing October 1995

Matrix IV - THE Equivideum: Paradigms and Dimensions of Human Evolution and Consciousness by Valdamar Valerian with Michael Topper Copyright 1994 Leading Edge Research Group

Alex Collier's "Defending Sacred Ground: The Andromedan Compendium"

Alex Christopher

Grudge 13 Report

The Dulse Papers

The KRLL Papers

John Lear

The MJ-12 Papers (Majestic 12)

Red Flag 5 - He makes false assumptions about science while demonizing the scientific community. Are we to believe that 7 million scientists are wrong and Icke (without an education) is right? Why? Because they are all part of a conspiracy? I don't think so!

Red Flag 6 - He makes grandiose claims about history, humanity, and outer space with an utter disregard for evidence. His entire colossal cosmology was built word by word through confirmation bias. In fact, Icke could become a case study for confirmation bias and logical fallacies.

Red Flag 7 - He preaches "Infinite Love" while demonizing world leaders and scientists and creates an inescapable reality of reptilians, secret government, and a mysterious "Matrix" in which we are all trapped making it seem impossible and almost ridiculous to escape from.

To make my point, here's a Facebook comment from a friend of mine:

Jenni: Sometimes I get this idea that on one hand, he convinces us in his writings how we are these powerful beings, etc... yet again... all his stuff at the same time causes you to feel hopeless 😩 in that your just this victim of this secret government and that there's nothing you can do about it.. I'm this powerful being in this world of doom and gloom ??? I don't see how that's uplifting & positive??

Red Flag 8 - I believe he has convinced himself that his large growing audience proves he is right about "everything." His cosmic story, rooted in the Theosophical work of Alice Bailey, feeds the human desire for mystery, storytelling, and entertainment. What he fails to see is that his message is entertaining, and feeds wishful thinking. Take YouTube channels, for instance, the ones that have zillions of subscribers peddle New Age Woo, and considering the long-standing public interest in science fiction, it's no wonder people flock to fantasy narratives that feed that desire.

Red Flag 9 - Icke promotes the "Law of Attraction" dogma and the "Holographic Universe" theory while neglecting the overwhelming evidence from neuroscience regarding our brains producing consciousness rather than being receivers of it. His whole "story" is structured on the belief in an imaginary "force" floating around communicating through human brains. Brain science just does not support that conclusion at all, neither does the consilience of science. Here's what physicist Sabine Hossenfelder had to say about the Holographic Universe model:

"The idea that space may be digital is a fringe idea of a speculative subfield of a subfield. I'm not saying it's not interesting. I'm just saying if you'd actually go and ask a representative sample of physicists, I guess you'd find that most don't care about the holographic principle and wouldn't agree on any statement about it."

Check out the article "Sorry, Elon. Physicists Say We Definitely Aren’t Living in a Computer Simulation. Below are a few quotes:

Fans of The Matrix perked up at the prospect that we might be living inside a giant computer simulation when Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk raised the hype during the 2016 Code Conference, saying it was entirely possible that we exist inside a simulated universe. We hate to burst your bubble Elon, but it looks like there’s no massive extraterrestrial computer with an epic program underlying all of existence.

According to the new research, creating such a large simulated universe is practically impossible. The simple reason: there’s not enough particles in the known universe that could sustain the computing power necessary for a simulation of this scale.

The larger the simulation, the greater the computing power required. In short, it’s always unworkable. It’s physically impossible — and they only attempted to model a portion of the physical universe.

Red Flag 10 - His message feeds the worldwide channeling community who believe in Quantum Flapdoodle and the "Create Your Reality" doctrine that has already been debunked scientifically. Let me give you an example. This is from the article “The Secret’ Law of Attraction Doesn’t Work: Here’s Proof” by Rebecca Savastio:

According to neuroscientist Russell Poldrack, energy fields that are emitted from our brains are much too small to directly impact anything material or cause items, money, situations or other material things to manifest magically:

..these fields are minuscule…Plus, remember the inverse square law: the intensity of an energy wave radiating from a source is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from that source…The brain’s magnetic field of 10–15 teslas quickly dissipates from the skull and is promptly swamped by other magnetic sources, not to mention the earth’s magnetic field of 10–5 teslas, which overpowers it by 10 orders of magnitude!

So, it is clear that when actual scientists get involved in the discussion, Byrne’s ideas carry no weight at all; but it’s not just scientists who state that The Secret Law of Attraction doesn’t work; studies have shown that positive thinking can actually be detrimental to achieving goals. A study out of Germany proved that people who concentrated on positive thoughts about getting a job not only failed to manifest that job, but actually ended up making lower salaries than those who did not purposely think positively. Fantasizing led to less action and thus, fewer positive outcomes overall.

Red Flag 11 – Here’s David's form of logic: The planet Saturn = human lizards = secret government = pedophiles = hallow earth = a growing audience = increased persecution from educated people = feelings of certainty = subjective voices = historical speculations = a global conspiracy = the moon is a space ship = love is the only truth = everything is an illusion = elite bloodlines = this is proof I am the Messiah.

Allow me to reiterate, I am not suggesting that some of what he talks about is not true or that he has not predicted some political agendas. David Icke mixes truth with fiction through confirmation bias to weave an elaborate tale of mammoth conspiracy. He blends pseudo-science and metaphysical faith to paint a distorted picture of reality. All one must do is read one of his books and watch him connect the dots of knowledge without proper critical scrutiny. Every elaborate tapestry he weaves is stated as if it were fact. And the claims/assertions are overwhelming.

One must reasonably suspect that the info-bombing is a form of hypnosis. The more quantity of information presented as absolute truth, the easier it is to resign to the teacher's authority. People, in general, don't want to put in the effort to do the research, it's much easier to assume the ideological position.

When someone argues that Icke's predictions turned out to be true, consider for a moment that anyone who does research in a field and keeps up on the news can make solid predictions. The more informed one is the more probable outcome of their predictions.

The King of Info-Bombing

As I have touched on earlier, David’s books get bigger on each new release, his storytelling gets longer (currently 10-hour seminars), and his cosmic fantasy gets more elaborate.

I must give him an A+ for ambition and perseverance and an F+ for intellectual integrity and academic humility. His disrespect of the scientific method and utter ignorance of the function of a theory is baffling to me. How can you write 700-page volumes full of theoretical subjects and pretend they have all been proven because of the elegant way you weave your tale? How? Easily, just pretend to know things better than the majority of the world's scientists and concoct a story that puts all the world’s leaders in cahoots with evil scientists and psychologists. Then, add in inter-dimensional reptilians and "presto" you are the Messiah.

Spirit channelers, such as Bashar (Darryl Anka), state the way the world works in a fantastical science fiction framework, use authority and auto-suggestion to assume the audience’s allegiance. The average person does not have the time to research 2% of what is babbled out of the mouths of these orators. They produce a vast “word salad” of nonsense to fool gullible people. And when they mix in cherry-picked science, who in their feeling-based audience is going to have the critical thinking skills to ask the right questions? Consider it takes decades of study to understand quantum mechanics and David Icke apparently has no problem throwing chunks of it to his hungry audience.

Can you imagine a real scientist, deserving of their craft, talking to a secular audience using scientific terms? Would you speak Chinese to an English audience and expect them to understand? Obviously, no. In the same way no Quantum Physicist is going to speak the language of the science to a secular crowd. Not only is it disingenuous but downright deceptive and irresponsible.

Because David is not a scientist and believes he has discovered the answers to human existence, he must feel entitled to dump vast fields of study on the average person to bloat his paradigm. This is another tactic to make up for channeled information he has built his story on.

Atlantis and the Fall of Nature

David is a big believer in Atlantis and the biblical fall of humanity reinterpreted through New Age teachings. Listen to him talk about Atlantis and how all of nature has fallen from a higher dimension. One must ask if nature is so horrible, then why is it also beautiful?

VIDEO - David talks about Atlantis and the Fall of Nature.

There is overwhelming evidence that - A) Atlantis is a myth created by Plato. B) No one can find either continent on the planet. C) believers keep inventing new locations that pop up in the news. D) Out of the billions of people in history, why did only a handful talk about Atlantis and Lemuria? If they are not legends but historical civilizations with advanced technology, then why didn't everybody talk about them like the Jesus story? The answer to that is they are myths and nothing more. But the go-to of the charlatans is "its a conspiracy" . . . which is a convenient dismissal of the facts.

The most recent claim of Atlantis is the Richet structure in the Sahara Desert. The rings of the natural structure is compared to Plato’s description of rings around Atlantis but no one can find a single piece of pottery or block of wall. Entire New Age websites have been dedicated to this “Jesus in the Toast” pareidolia.

And to make matters worse, Atlantis was a horrible culture:

“Professor of archaeology Ken Feder notes that in Plato’s story, “Atlantis is not a place to be honored or emulated at all. Atlantis is not the perfect society … Quite the contrary, Atlantis is the embodiment of a materially wealthy, technologically advanced, and militarily powerful nation that has become corrupted by its wealth, sophistication, and might.” As propaganda in Plato’s morality tale, the Atlantis legend is more about the city’s heroic rival Athens than a sunken civilization; if Atlantis really existed today and was found intact and inhabited, its residents would probably try to kill and enslave us all.” [source]

The New Age philosophy holds the most brutal cultures in history in a bright, shiny, light. The Egyptians, Druids and Mayans practiced slavery and human sacrifice. It reminds me of Christianity's belief in the human sacrifice of God's Son as an act of love for humanity.

Words and Vibration

Another interesting irony is how David insults media personalities such as Simon Cal, world leaders such as George Bush, and scientists such as Richard Dawkins whom he calls "dogma Dawkins." Now I am no fan of the Globalist system hell-bent on enslaving humanity under a fascist Technocracy, but the problem here is that David doesn't practice what he preaches in his gospel of infinite love. He contradicts himself by using negative words toward his enemies. His contempt for mainstream scientists is far from "loving". 

Masaru Emoto's Fake Water Crystals

David uses Masaru Emoto's research on water crystals as evidence that humans are creating reality through consciousness. Unfortunately for Icke, Emoto's research was overwhelmingly debunked.

Masaru Emoto was a Japanese author and peddler of pseudoscience. He became famous for the idea that thoughts and words directed at water change the shape of water crystals. He held a "Doctorate" in alternative medicine from a correspondence course at an unaccredited institution and therefore called himself "Doctor." This is a ploy many New Age charlatans use to give the appearance of credibility. The facts are that Emoto was a businessman and author, he was not a scientist, and he didn't know how to conduct a scientific experiment.

Emoto's experiments consisted of putting positive or negative words on water glasses claiming that water exposed to positive thoughts would result in visually "pleasing" crystals and that negative thoughts would yield "ugly" crystal formations. This was also done with rice experiments where mold would grow in negative containers and no mold in positive containers — at least, that is the confirmation bias. But the thing I find most interesting is that no one did the experiment with bananas, eggs, milk, and fruit. Surely positive intention would stop milk from curdling or fruit from rotting.

The funniest part is, who decided that mold was bad? Mold plays an important role in the environment by breaking down and digesting organic material. And yet, in David Icke's world, slap the word "hate" on a rice container, and if any mold shows up, that is proof the universe is a simulation created by our thoughts.

Below is a video clip of David Icke talking about Emoto's magical crystals and then a video of children testing the rice experiment. If there's anyone on the planet with pure intention and clean thoughts its children.

VIDEO - Kids debunk Emoto’s rice scam.

Physician Harriet A. Hall concluded that it was "hard to see how anyone could mistake it for science". Biochemist William Reville wrote, "It is very unlikely that there is any reality behind Emoto's claims." Emoto was even invited to take the 'One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge' by James Randi in 2003 and would have received $1,000,000 if he had been able to reproduce the experiment under test conditions agreed to by both parties. He did not participate.

Kenneth G. Libbrecht, a professor of physics specializes in the physics of snowflakes and has authored several books on this topic, including The Snowflake: Winter’s Frozen Artistry, The Secret Life of a Snowflake, The Art of the Snowflake, and Ken Libbrecht’s Field Guide to Snowflakes. Here's what he had to say about Emoto's experiments:

"In fact water does not respond to thoughts and feelings - it's just water. How then does one explain Mr. Emoto's experiments?  My best guess is that Mr. Emoto grows hundreds of crystals and then selects different shapes to demonstrate whatever point he wishes to make. For example, when the water was exposed to classical music he picks out some beautiful crystals to show us. For rock-and-roll, he selects some ugly crystals and shows us those. He then concludes that classical music makes beautiful crystals while rock-and-roll makes ugly ones. What he does not show us is that both musical treatments made the same numbers of beautiful and ugly crystals. The "treatments" had no effect." [source]

Masaru Emoto admitted that he picked crystals that he defined as ‘beautiful’ and in every test he provided one photograph to the public out of 100 Petri dish samples. What about the other 99 photographs? He successfully prevented any real scientific scrutiny. [source]

As all the New Age scammers do, Emoto stated that 'science really isn't that sure of anything in the first place. This is a very convenient way to dismiss the scientific method which has proven viable in our modern world. Listen to Sam Harris articulate this point perfectly:

VIDEO - Sam Harris - Neuroscience vs Afterlife

The Walking on Coals Delusion

Icke claims that people who walk on coals can control the outcome of the effect. If they realize reality is just an illusion, then the heat from coals will not burn their feat. If they BELIEVE the coals are real and hot, then they will burn their feet. This is a great example of how deluded Icke is on the level of an adult child. One must wonder why he, as the regional Messiah, doesn't demonstrate these powers to his audience by walking on a bed of coals? If ANYONE could prove reality is an illusion it is David because he's teaching it . . . makes logical sense, right?

Let's keep it simple without going into a dialog of explanations from experts. It's obvious, the speed the person walks over the ash, not fire, reduces the time it would take to get burned. If David is right, then let's watch him "stand" on a bed of coals for a few hours — total bamboozle.

The Hypnosis Disappearance Act

In this clip, David tells a story by Michael Talbot about a hypnotist who can make people disappear. This obviously ridiculous claim is supposed to support his belief in the Holographic Universe, the Simulated Universe, or his favorite “The Matrix”. I think it's pretty easy to conclude that if hypnotism could make people disappear, then it would have been duplicated a few zillion times.

VIDEO - David Wilcock talks about the hypnotist that makes people disappear.

Icke thinks the Matrix Movie was a Documentary

One of the most humorous things I find about Icke's work is how he used the Matrix Movie material in his books and lectures. It's like he watched the movie and never left the theater. He must believe the movie is a documentary.

Soon after the movie came out, Icke swiftly published a book entitled 'Children of the Matrix'. Isn't it ironic how he gathered his information from the numerous sources I showed above and even copied ideas from a major motion picture?

King of Pseudoscience & Quantum Woo

In quantum mechanics, there is a common misconception that it is the mind of a conscious observer that causes the observer effect in quantum processes. It is rooted in a misunderstanding of the quantum wave function ψ and the quantum measurement process. [source]

David Icke loves to make elaborate spiritual claims based on the science of Quantum Physics. He does not understand the science and has settled for a self-prescribed version that suits his wishful thinking. The dualistic fantasy world he teaches to millions worldwide is built on pseudoscience, falsely interpreted science, personal hallucinations, and storytelling prowess.

This is a common mistake among new-age quantum spirituality teachers. And, if like David, they watched the movie "The Matrix" and believed it was a documentary, their quantum gospel gets even more absurd. Mr. Icke has a knack for demonizing mainstream science due, in my opinion, to a lack of education and traumatic childhood. He says "they" are crazy when he talks of world leaders being shape-shifting reptiles and the moon being a death star mind control spaceship. Who is crazy?

Here are a few quotes by David from his book Phantom Self: (parenthesis mine)

"Quantum physics has thrown a spanner in all this with the evidence that our reality is anything but 'physical', predictable or operating in isolation from consciousness"


"Quantum physics - the study of the unseen energetic levels from which our illusory 'physical' world is manifested - has demolished the foundations on which mainstream science has been based and they are still doing their best not to acknowledge that"


"Quantum physicists are realizing that all matter, concentrated energy, is a form of computer, but in fact, all energy can compute information because it is conscious."


"Everything (science) is trying harder and harder to hold the line in the face of emerging evidence, and the academic narrative becomes more desperate and bizarre in response (lol . . . reptilians and the moon matrix?). Quantum physics already means their battle is ultimately lost." (I think it's the other way around for hallucinating primates)


I can barely get through one page of a 900-page book before he's connected quantum physics with the holographic universe with string theory with humans creating their reality with the physical universe is an illusion with we are invisible beings inside body/mind biological computers . . . its kindergarten level dot-connecting (he doesn't seem to understand the difference between evolution, computers, and analogies).

His monster of a story falls apart with his conclusion that Quantum Physics proves the Law of Attraction and spirituality. This could not be more absurd. I do not think you'll find a legit Quantum Physicist that makes that connection. If you do, then it is the extreme minority, and I would look deeper into their motivations because the science makes no connections to New Age claims whatsoever. What you will find is scientists making it noticeably clear that Quantum Physics applies to the micro-level, not the macro level. What that means is, the spooky activity on a quantum level falls apart if you try to apply it to the macro level of human brains and the moon. The science does not relate in any way to humans creating their reality.

David Albert, a philosopher of physics who appears in the film "What the Bleep Do We Know," has accused the filmmakers of selectively editing his interview to make it appear that he endorses the film's thesis that quantum mechanics is linked with consciousness. He says he is "profoundly unsympathetic to attempts at linking quantum mechanics with consciousness".

Other REAL physicists have published books detailing why the science has nothing to do with new age spirituality. Check out the writings of Victor Stenger along with his article Quantum Quackery to get a serious education on real science versus New Age pseudoscience.

Having been a New Ager for decades, I used to believe all this quantum quackery until I started looking closer and asking better questions. This required setting down the spiritual cool-aid and understanding the argument between real science and quantum flapdoodle.

Firstly, quantum experiments are conducted under tightly controlled conditions. Secondly, the so-called wave-particle duality that spiritualists use to prove a spirit realm exists is not a duality at all. All waves are comprised of particles looking like waves. All particles are matter. Thirdly, Quantum mechanics DOES NOT apply on a "macro" level . . . that being human brains, earth, and outer space.

And then you have Deepak Chopra who was called out by the scientific community proving that he got Quantum Physics wrong in all the New Age books he wrote. Here is an excerpt from Deepak Chopra mangles Quantum Mechanics by Steven Novella from skepticblog.org:

"Chopra is using a common trick of the pseudoscientist – exploiting cutting edge science, which the public is not likely to understand and pretend as if there is proof where there is uncertainty. Take some interesting experiments, then leap way ahead to conclusions that serve their metaphysical purposes, but which are not settled science."

"In short – beware of anyone pretending to understand the ultimate implications of QM and that it supports their far out philosophy."

Here's a sample of Chopra’s woo, notice it sounds like Icke's word salad:

"Indeed, the quantum theory implies that consciousness must exist and that the content of the mind is the ultimate reality."


"The universe is a mind, and consciousness is the ultimate reality. Not surprisingly, a very Eastern philosophy, packaged nicely  for a Western audience."


"If we do not look at it, the moon is gone. In this world, only an act of observation can confer shape and form to reality — to a dandelion in a meadow, or a seed pod, or the sun or wind or rain. Anyway, it’s amazing, and even your dog can do it too."


This is DAVID ICKE WOO except Icke throws in the Matrix Movie to give it a kick. Let me make something very clear, "The moon does not disappear when you're not looking at it." We used to believe we were the center of the universe and now we realize we are far from it. This misconception has been at the root of religious belief, that being, humans hallucinate exaggerated self-importance. Chopra not only demonstrates the blind side of his believing brain, but the strength of his religious programming.

Let me make something very clear, "The moon does not disappear when you're not looking at it."


The Electric Universe Fantasy

Another pillar in David’s New Age house of cards is the Electric Universe. Now because I am no Astrophysicist, I am not going to pretend to be one. What you will find is that the Electric Universe theory is based on dualism which is the belief in a spiritual realm, or the repackaged God version, "Consciousness." EVERY scientific theory that is used by EVERY New Age teacher is an effort to prove their invisible story. Just like in the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know!?" they twist science to fit their model built on faith and wishful thinking. Below are several resources debunking the Electric Universe theory.

Here's a quote from Brian Koberlein who holds a Ph.D in Physics and has published research in physics, astrophysics, and computational astrophysics.

"So never let it be said that an astro-scientist has never considered the electric universe model with an open mind. The Electric Universe model is wrong. Provably, clearly, and ridiculously wrong.

The Electric Universe (EU) is an umbrella term that covers various pseudo-scientific cosmological ideas built around the claim that the formation and existence of various features of the Universe can be better explained by electricity and magnetism than by gravity alone. As a rule, EU is usually touted as an aether-based theory with numerous references to tall tales from mythology. However, the exact details and claims are ambiguous, lack mathematical formalism, and often vary from one delusional crank to the next. [source]

Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary EVIDENCE

Some of the claims of the Electric Universe Theory:

- Einstein's postulates are wrong.

- General relativity (GR) is wrong.

- The Universe is not expanding.

The hypothesis has never been supported by any reputable scientist of any kind.

It has not appeared in any peer-reviewed scientific journal. [source]

The acid test of a scientific claim, I explained, is prediction and falsification. My friends at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, for example, tell me they use both Newtonian mechanics and Einstein’s relativity theory in computing highly accurate spacecraft trajectories to the planets. If Newton and Einstein are wrong, I inquired of EU proponent Wallace Thornhill, can you generate spacecraft flight paths that are more accurate than those based on gravitational theory? No, he replied. GPS satellites in orbit around Earth are also dependent on relativity theory, so I asked the conference host David Talbott if EU theory offers anything like the practical applications that theoretical physics has given us. No. Then what does EU theory add? A deeper understanding of nature, I was told. Oh.

Michael Shermer The Difference between Science and Pseudoscience | Scientific American (2015)

In the standard model, the Sun is powered by nuclear fusion in its core. There the fusion of hydrogen into helium produces not only light and heat, but neutrinos. In the electric universe model, the Sun is lit by electrically excited plasma. This gives us two very clear predictions. The first is regarding neutrinos. The standard model predicts that the Sun will produce copious amounts of neutrinos due to nuclear interactions in its core. The EU model predicts the Sun should produce no neutrinos. The EU model clearly fails this test, because neutrinos are produced by the Sun. We have not only observed solar neutrinos, we have imaged the Sun by its neutrinos.

Testing the Electric Universe | Brian Koberlein

Here's a list of Electric Universe theory debunked you can Google:

In Closing

David's epic striving to save the world reveals to me a desperate man seeking validation on a deep level. I cannot help but empathize when I see the massive amount of data he has transformed into a grandiose story built on theories, subjective experiences, and patternicity (making connections to fit a perceived story). If they were NOT all presented as facts, it would be a different story.

If David's claims turn out to be true such as the Saturn/Moon matrix, shape-shifting reptilian world leaders, and the Hollow Earth, he will still have to deal with the enormous amount of pseudo-science and ridiculous claims throughout his literature. Claims such as the dead Carl Sagan speaking messages through a psychic friend of his . . . uh, I do not think so.

I do not think the audience is laughing at David anymore . . .  but I do think they are being entertained. I hope to see more independent researchers do further investigation and provide real evidence to debunk or prove Icke's many claims. In my opinion, Icke is bamboozling his audience and himself, one massive book at a time! But I cannot say he is doing it knowingly. I personally believe he is sincere . . . but sincerely deluded.

I will credit him for blowing the whistle on pedophile rings, government corruption, and expanding the way humans can think about reality. But it is one thing to present yourself as a researcher exploring theories, and quite another as God's divine messenger saving mankind. David Icke may become famous for expanding our reality . . . and, he just as well may be remembered as the guy who refused to ACCEPT reality."

— Zzenn